Sage advice

As a person with chronic illness I often feel isolated. My illness can pull me from my friends, work, event, huge life moments, etc. As much as I want my “healthier” friends to understand, they can’t. Even after 20 plus years of living with Crohn’s, I feel like I might just be grasping at understandingContinue reading “Sage advice”

My year in review! :)

  First off, I have to say thank you to all my readers and commenters and “likers” because without you I think I would have lost my sanity. I started my blog in Feb when I was struggling to keep my New Years resolutions: but I managed to complete 50% but only with the supportContinue reading “My year in review! :)”

I lie almost everyday

Today tested my character and broke me down. I am tired of lying. I lie so I must be a terrible person right? Maybe.  Let me explain and you can judge me later. You: How was your weekend? Me: It was good. I just lied to you. I sugar-coated my weekend because honestly you don’tContinue reading “I lie almost everyday”