Sage advice

As a person with chronic illness I often feel isolated. My illness can pull me from my friends, work, event, huge life moments, etc. As much as I want my “healthier” friends to understand, they can’t. Even after 20 plus years of living with Crohn’s, I feel like I might just be grasping at understandingContinue reading “Sage advice”

Depression flare

The only way I can describe my depressive episodes is similar to a flare of any autoimmune disease. Right now I am not sure what triggers the episode or how it gets so crappy so quickly. But I guess, the stress of managing life with chronic illness is cumulative. Like any other flare, the exactContinue reading “Depression flare”

I don’t want your pity

I am in the ER again with lots of inflammation for another flare. I was having severe pain which felt like a bowel obstruction but it’s not. However, I was admitted for pain management because I am having 9/10 pain and have yet to pass gas.  In talking to the house doctor, I told himContinue reading “I don’t want your pity”

Isn’t that weird?

I called my doctor the other da because I was feeling a lot of pressure in my abdomen. Very uncomfortable and felt it most when standing. Also, due to the circumstances of my job, when I felt that pressure I could not run to the bathroom which meant an accident. I called my holistic doctorContinue reading “Isn’t that weird?”

Holistic healing

I have decided to take the plunge and start going to see a naturopathic/holistic doctor. The downside is that the insurance company does not cover the visits so I have to pay out of pocket. The first visit is 150 dollar for a minute 90 bsession plus the additional cost of the supplements (which wasContinue reading “Holistic healing”

I lie almost everyday

Today tested my character and broke me down. I am tired of lying. I lie so I must be a terrible person right? Maybe.  Let me explain and you can judge me later. You: How was your weekend? Me: It was good. I just lied to you. I sugar-coated my weekend because honestly you don’tContinue reading “I lie almost everyday”

Smile. Laugh. Live

Today, after doing some house work my joints hurt and a fever spiked but otherwise I felt ok. This weekend was the first weekend in a long time I didn’t feel extremely fatigued. I even had a few beers. Of course, there were repercussion as usual, but it was worth it. I didn’t go crazy withContinue reading “Smile. Laugh. Live”

The mystery of the rash continues

So if you have been following my blog you know I have had a rash on my bum for some time now. IF you are a new reader, now you know. I went to my second visit with the internal medicine doctor. The blood work results were not back yet because the lab was dickingContinue reading “The mystery of the rash continues”